How To Light a BBQ

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With the summer months rolling in, there's no better way to celebrate than by gathering your family and friends for a barbecue. Barbecuing is not just about grilling meat; it’s about creating memories, sharing laughter, and enjoying the flavours of summer.

Whether you're a seasoned griller or a novice, these tips will help you start your barbecue off to a sizzling start, ensure safety, and achieve the best cooking results.

Setting Up for Safety - and Success!

Setting up your barbecue correctly is crucial for both safety and cooking efficiency. A well-planned setup prevents accidents and ensures that your barbecue runs smoothly.

Choosing the right location:

  • Always set up your barbecue in an open space, away from fences, trees, and overhanging branches. This reduces the risk of fire spreading.
  • Ensure there is enough ventilation to avoid smoke buildup.

Keeping safety equipment nearby:

  • Have a fire extinguisher or a bucket of water within reach. In case of a flare-up, you'll be able to control it quickly.
  • Keep kids and pets at a safe distance from the barbecue area. Set up a designated play area away from the grill.

Using proper barbecue tools:

  • Invest in long-handled tongs and proper barbecue equipment with insulated handles. These tools will keep your hands safe from the heat.
  • Use heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands when handling hot items.

Key Takeaway: 🔥 Ensuring a safe setup for your barbecue is the first step to a successful cookout. Always prioritize safety by choosing the right location, keeping safety equipment handy, and using proper tools.

Choosing the Right Charcoal

The type of charcoal you use can significantly impact the flavor and quality of your grilled food. Opting for high-quality, sustainably produced charcoal ensures a better cooking experience and a more eco-friendly barbecue.

Benefits of high-quality charcoal:

  • Look for charcoal made from coppiced wood or Forestry Commission-approved wood. This type of charcoal lights easily and burns more evenly.
  • Avoid charcoals containing accelerants, as they can taint the flavor of your food.

Environmental considerations:

  • Choose charcoal that supports sustainable forestry practices. This helps protect the environment and ensures the longevity of natural resources.
Impact on food flavour:
  • Good-quality charcoal provides a cleaner burn, resulting in better-tasting food. It also produces less ash, making cleanup easier.


Lighting the Charcoal: Techniques and Tips

Properly lighting your charcoal is essential for achieving the right cooking temperature and ensuring your barbecue runs smoothly. Here are two effective methods for lighting your charcoal.

Using a chimney starter:

  • Chimney starters are tubular devices that make lighting charcoal quick and easy. Simply fill the chimney with charcoal and place a few sheets of newspaper or natural firelighters at the bottom.
  • Light the newspaper or firelighters, and let the coals catch and start glowing. The chimney starter protects the coals and you from the wind, making the process more efficient.
  • Once the coals are ready, carefully tip them into the barbecue.

Alternative method without a chimney starter:

  • Arrange your charcoal in a stack, and push balls of newspaper or natural firelighters (such as wood shavings or wool) between the charcoals.
  • Light the paper and firelighters, allowing the flames to catch and get going. Let the flames die down until the coals are ashen and ready for cooking.

Key Takeaway: 🔥 Properly lighting your charcoal is crucial for a successful barbecue. Using a chimney starter or arranging your charcoal correctly ensures an even burn and the right cooking temperature.

Managing Heat: Direct vs. Indirect Cooking

Understanding the difference between direct and indirect heat is essential for cooking different types of food to perfection. By mastering these techniques, you can control the cooking process and achieve delicious results.

Direct heat:

  • Direct heat involves cooking food directly over the coals. It’s equivalent to cooking on high heat in a hot pan.
  • This method is ideal for thin cuts of meat that cook quickly, such as burgers and thin-cut steaks.
  • However, it can burn foods that need more time to cook through.

Indirect heat:

  • Indirect heat involves arranging the coals to one side of the barbecue, creating a cooler zone on the other side.
  • This method is perfect for larger cuts of meat and delicate items like fish fillets.
  • Indirect cooking prevents food from burning and allows for low-and-slow cooking, ideal for large pieces of meat like chickens and lamb.

Creating different heat zones:

  • Push the coals to one side of the barbecue to create a range of temperatures. Use the coal-free side to cook by indirect heat.
  • Alternatively, place an old roasting tray in the middle of the barbecue and stack the coals around it. Cook the food over the tray for a hot smoker/spit-roast effect.

Key Takeaway: 🌡️ Mastering direct and indirect heat allows you to cook a variety of foods perfectly. Understanding these techniques gives you more control over the cooking process, ensuring delicious results.

Recognising When Your Coals are Ready

Cooking on coals that aren’t ready can result in overcooked or burnt food. Learning to recognize when your coals are ready is essential for achieving the best grilling results.

Visual and tactile cues for coal readiness:
  • Black or grey with flames: Not ready yet. Step away and relax until the flames die down.
  • Glowing white hot with red centers: Ready for direct heat. This is the optimal time to cook thin cuts of meat.
  • Ashy white but still very hot: Ready for indirect heat or cooking in the coals. This is ideal for larger cuts of meat and delicate items.

Key Takeaway: 🔥 Knowing when your coals are ready is crucial for a successful barbecue. Use visual and tactile cues to determine the optimal time to start cooking.

Using a Thermometer for Perfectly Cooked Food

A thermometer is an invaluable tool for ensuring your food is cooked to perfection. It helps prevent undercooking or overcooking, ensuring your barbecue is a hit.

Importance of checking food temperature:

  • Using a thermometer allows you to check the internal temperature of your food, ensuring it’s cooked through and safe to eat.
  • This is especially important for larger cuts of meat and poultry, where undercooking can be a health risk.

Recommended tools and techniques:

  • We recommend using Thermapens, which have a temperature probe that folds away for safe storage. These thermometers are quick and accurate.
  • Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the meat, avoiding bones, to get an accurate reading.

Key Takeaway: 🌡️ Using a thermometer ensures your food is cooked to perfection and safe to eat. It’s an essential tool for achieving consistently great results on the barbecue.

Enhancing Flavour with Wood Chips

Adding wood chips to your charcoal is a simple way to infuse your food with smoky flavours. Choosing the right wood chips and using them correctly can elevate your barbecue dishes.

Adding smoky flavours to your barbecue:

  • Wood chips come in a variety of flavors, including applewood, hickory, and mesquite. Each type imparts a unique flavor to your food.
  • Soak the wood chips in water for about 30 minutes before adding them to the coals. This prevents them from burning too quickly and produces more smoke.

Types of wood chips to use:

  • Applewood: Adds a sweet, mild flavor, perfect for poultry and pork.
  • Hickory: Provides a strong, smoky flavor, ideal for beef and lamb.
  • Mesquite: Offers a bold, intense flavor, great for robust cuts of meat.
Proper usage and safety considerations:
  • Use wood chips designed for barbecuing to avoid chemicals that may be present in untreated wood.
  • Add the soaked wood chips to the coals just before cooking to maximize the smoky flavor.

Key Takeaway: 🍖 Enhancing your barbecue with wood chips adds a delicious smoky flavour to your food. Choose the right type of wood chips and use them correctly for the best results.


A successful barbecue is all about preparation, technique, and safety. By setting up your barbecue correctly, choosing the right charcoal, and mastering cooking techniques, you can create a memorable cookout for your family and friends.

Remember to recognize when your coals are ready, use a thermometer to ensure perfectly cooked food, and enhance your dishes with wood chips for added flavour.

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